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Recruitment marketing action plan
Start hiring better today with 8 steps recruitment marketing action plan

The growing business is at the same time an easy and challenging task these days. You have a lot of opportunities, but it is impossible to reach the maximum potential without…

HR Content Strategy: A Complete Guide for Recruiters


While trying to find the best job candidates for an open position, HR recruiters may forget that a well-thought-out content strategy can actually make their job…

All about structured job interviews and how to implement them


The HR sector does not stand still. Every year, month, or even a week, a completely new trend appears. One such trend is structured interviews. Although this type…

Best Channels for Recruitment Marketing in 2020

There are many different marketing channels available – if you’re struggling to figure out which one is best for recruiting, you aren’t alone. Nowadays, recruiters have to go…

Recruitment chatbots: how to build your chatbot for social hiring

It is predicted that the global chatbot market will triple by 2024: from $2.6 billion to $9.4 billion. This is outstanding, but expectable - leaders all over the world have…