Candidate Experience Platform

Make a great first impression and deliver an outstanding candidate experience.

candidate experience
72% of candidates with poor recruiting experience have shared it online; 58% of candidates agree that a good experience increases the probability of accepting the role.

Corporate Career Sites

Showcase your employer brand, tell the corporate story, and announce job opportunities with a branded online space.

  • Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and your core values as an employer
  • Open positions and application forms
  • Testimonials and feedback from existing employees
  • Personalized content that can help candidates make the right choice

Recruitment Chatbot

Let the recruitment chatbot answer candidate questions faster and save you time for important tasks. 

  • Utilize integration with OpenAI / ChatGPT for smooth human-style conversation  
  • Train chatbot with your own data and customize Frequently Asked Questions   
  • Launch a mobile-friendly chatbot widget on the career site

Online Application Process

Convert career site visitors into candidates with engaging job landing pages and seamless application forms.

  • Advanced job search and converting job pages
  • Mobile-friendly and easy application forms
  • Job alerts and applying to talent pools
candidate portal

Candidate Self Service Portal

Build strong candidate relationships and improve the candidate experience through extensive communication, online services, and touchpoints. The candidate self-service portal can be customized for your needs and goals.

  • Track application status online
  • Get interview invitations and self-schedule based on available slots
  • Receive messages, updates and job recommendations
  • Sign in with Google, Facebook or LinkedIn
Deliver an outstanding candidate experience with Talenteria!