How to Compose a Second Interview Invitation Email for Your Candidate

Second Interview Email Templates

Today's hiring process is extensive, with an average filling time of 36 days. To get the best candidates for open positions faster, HR managers need to make sure every detail of their potential employee's experience is flawless – from the first contact to the final offer letter.

Using email templates for recruiting can dramatically reduce the time spent in correspondence with candidates and improve the quality of communication. While an interview invitation email isn't all that complicated, it's an important step in attracting candidates and generating interest in both your open position and the organization as a potential employer.

In this article, we'll break down the must-haves of a successful interview invitation email as well as provide you with a 2nd interview email template.

What to Include in Your Second Interview Invitation Email

These are the essential elements to include in your email: 

1. Greeting

In the email, you need to sound professional yet excited about the candidate. When it comes to greeting the prospective employee, don't be afraid to use the person's name rather than Mister or Miss.

The greeting should also include a short message about how you feel about having met the person in the first round of interviews to talk about the role. It might be a good idea to show your candidate how happy you are that they are considering working for your company.

Let the candidate know that you and other interviewers were impressed by their qualifications, responses, preparation, or some other aspect of the interview.

2. Invitation

Your next goal is to inform the potential employee that they are have made it to the next round of interviews. This is where you formally invite the candidate back to the office for a second meeting.

It is best to suggest a few options when you and other interviewers are ready to attend this interview because you need to respect the candidate and their time. The person may have another appointment scheduled at this time, so they might not be available. Be as flexible as possible in scheduling the second interview.

Here are some ideas:

  • Suggest at least three different days for the next week.
  • Name two different times available for each interview day.
  • Specify a time range, for example, between 10 am and 1 pm or 3 pm-5 pm.

The second interview will most likely be conducted in the same office where the first one was held. However, you still should provide an office address once again. Remember that you may be in unfamiliar areas for the person. If your next interview will be somewhere else, provide a link to a map.

3. Other Essential Details

Let the candidate know who they will be meeting with. The discussion could be with the same people, or it could involve additional team members or a completely different set of management personnel.

Candidates deserve to know how long the meeting will last, and you need to adhere to this deadline. Don't just tell the candidate that the interview will last half an hour if you know it will likely last an hour and a half or two. Again, respect the candidate's time.

Clearly include the interview in the subject line, as this encourages candidates to open the email quickly. Briefly explain what the purpose of the second interview is and how long the interview will take. Remind your candidates if they need to bring something with them (such as ID or portfolio).

4. Tone and Structure

Your email doesn't have to be lengthy and drawn out, but it should be comprehensive and detailed. It shouldn’t be bland or sound robotic; however, be careful not to sound too informal as well. The most important piece of advice you can follow is to maintain your tone in line with your organization's values ​​and mission. You also need to keep it conversational and friendly. Do not appear overbearing or intimidating, as this can scare the candidate away.

You want the candidate to feel comfortable and excited about their next meeting. Remember, you want the person to be at their best during the interview. The wrong tone and message can make the candidate even more nervous than they probably are already. Proofread your email before sending it. If you have spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar, confusing sentences and paragraphs, your company will look amateurish in the candidate’s eyes.

Keep in mind that providing a great candidate experience will significantly increase your email response rate.

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Invitation to a Second Interview Email Templates

You can use the following templates for your second interview invitation emails to speed up and simplify the recruiting process, make it more efficient, and keep your potential employees comfortable and engaged. Sending emails shows that your company has the professionalism in its culture, and each candidate is important to the organization. 

If you decide to use a template, just copy and paste the text into a blank email, replace the placeholder text with the correct details, and proofread carefully.

Template 1

Subject: Invitation to a second interview at [organization’s name]

Hi, [candidate’s name]!

Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about the role of [position] at the interview on [date]. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning more about your experience and qualifications. [Explain what candidate’s qualifications and/or skills you were impressed by the most]. We would like to invite you again for a second interview.

This interview will be with [interviewer’s name], our [interviewer’s role]. [Briefly explain the purpose of the second interview]. We expect the entire interview to take [minutes or hours].

Would you be available to come to our office at [office address] on [date and time] or between [date or time range]? Please let me know if a different date or time would be more suitable for you.

Please be sure to bring your ID for this interview. When you arrive, you will need to show it at the front desk.

We are looking forward to seeing you again,

[Recruiter’s name]
[Contact information]

Template 2

Subject: Invitation to a second interview with [organization’s name] for the vacant position of [role].

Dear [candidate’s name],

Thank you for coming to the first interview. We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the second interview based on your previous presentation.

We want you to meet us at [office address] office for the interview. [Name] will be meeting with you, and the interview will last approximately [minutes or hours].

Are you available on [date and time, or date and time range]? Let us know a different date and time if they do not suit you.

We can't wait to meet you again for the interview.

[Recruiter’s name]
[Organization’s name]

Template 3

Subject: You are invited to a second interview at [organization’s name]

Dear [candidate’s name],

I am reaching back to you to let you know that you have been selected for the second interview for [position].

After the first interview, we had the opportunity to get to know you better and understand your characteristics, goals, and ambitions.

We would like to meet with you again to make sure this role is a great fit for you.

If you accept this invitation, you will be greeted by [interviewer’s name], who is our [interviewer’s position]. The interview will take up to [minutes or hours].

Here are some of the day and time options I have available:

[List a few options here]

If none of these options work for you, please notify me, and I'll do my best to adjust.

We can't wait to meet you again.

[Recruiter’s name]

How to Stand Out With Your Second Interview Invitation Email

In today’s information technology era, emails play a very important role in business communication. Now, emails have made the hiring process very convenient and easy. But as we have mentioned above, the way you compose your emails may well affect the candidate’s decision to take your job offer or turn it down.

In order to help you write a good second interview invitation email, we are providing you with a few tips that you may find very helpful and implement them into your email communication.

1. Personalize Your Email

Never make the candidate realize that you’re using an email template. Each letter should be tailored to the particular person, taking into account their individual characteristics.

2. Use Scheduling Tools

If you are dealing with remote job seekers, you might want to schedule a video interview. Be aware that they may be in a different time zone than you. So be sure to double-check the time of the interview or use scheduling tools like online calendars that will convert the invitations to the correct time zone.

3. Make a Follow-Up Call

If you haven't received a response from a candidate for a week or more, feel free to call them. Perhaps the person was stuck at work and did not have time to respond.

4. Proofread Your Email

Your grammar is a reflection of your organization's image. To leave a positive impression, check every email you send.


