One of the first things job seekers do when considering joining a company is to check its internet presence. The most valuable and informative website for them is the company’s career page. It’s a place that often creates the first impression of the employer brand on applicants.
So, how do you design the perfect careers site to persuade top talents to join you? Here are some of the simplest rules for you to follow to raise your career page conversion rate with examples of companies that have already adopted them.
1. Easy and Intuitive Access to Your Open Positions
An obvious choice for attracting candidates is to make an accent on your job postings. Make sure this part of your career page is always up to date, easy to follow and understand, and overall, as user friendly as possible. Include an easy search for a particular job opening and group them up based on the division or experience needed.
Example: Zillow. Zillow is a real-estate database company that provides its services all around the US, so it is no wonder that they provide the job search based not only on the job type but also on your location. They also add a lot of additional information on working with them, including the statistics on gender, ethnic equality, and inclusivity.
2. Present the Non-Financial Incentives You Provide
Non-financial incentives are often the thing that sways the decision of the applicant towards one employer or the other. Provide detailed information on how you help your employees to have a healthy work-life balance and day-to-day life at the company. Try not to focus too much on shallow things most modern companies offer, like snacks or a PlayStation you have. Don’t sugarcoat everything – be realistic.
Example: Epic. This software development company’s career page showcases the benefits they provide in a unique and fun way. Epic has a separate blog dedicated to its international paid sabbatical program, with pictures and messages from their employees visiting different countries and sights.
3. Introduce Your Corporate Culture with Employee Testimonials
Another aspect that people looking for a job appreciate is great company culture. If your company is clear about its mission and values, if you recognize your employees and show them respect, if you are ready for open communication – you’re much more likely to hire people with similar values. One of the best ways to demonstrate your strong culture is to include honest employee testimonials. Just make sure that they are sincere and have a personality to them.
Example: Huckletree. This company, which provides coworking spaces in Europe, presents its team in a nice and unique way. You can feel that each employee has a unique voice. Plus, you get the idea about the feel of their place of work and overall company culture.
4. Be Informative and Authentic
For a person to understand, whether they are suitable for the job and whether you are the right company for them, they need to have all their questions answered. That’s why a great career page should contain enough information about every aspect of their activity. Consider adding visuals, like photos and videos, to enhance the seekers’ experience.
Example: Dubsmash. The career page for this video app contains all the possible information one might need to join their team. The top of the page is dedicated to open positions, next thing you’ll see is videos from different team members, then info on investors and the companies’ values and culture.
5. Avoid Content Overload
There is a point when the content you place on your career page turns from helpful and aiding into a distraction. Although the line might not be very clear, it is important. Try sticking to the essentials, and add additional content to highlight your point. Make sure that there is a culture fit for the subject. If you have nothing to add – don’t be disingenuous, avoid adding cheesy pics. Don’t be afraid to go minimalistic – for some companies, it is best to stay concise.
Example: Netguru. This software development company has chosen to keep it simple – yet they’ve managed to still include all the valuable information an applicant may need.
6. Lean on Your Social Media Presence
Social media is an important part of everyday life for many people. That’s why companies need to embrace it as well. While a lot of the companies maintain a social media page, not all of them are active on them or use them to their full potential. If you do work on your social media presence – why not show it to your applicants? This way you won’t need to include unnecessary info on your career page, and people interested in your organizational culture will be able to easily find what they need.
Example: Sprint. The American telecommunication company has chosen to source some content from their social media posts. This way their page provides up-to-date information and always feels fresh.
There is no way to change the first impression you create, which is exactly why you should pay close attention to your career page. Hiring the most talented person on an open role takes a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. So, follow these rules, and don’t forget the most important one – add your unique flair and brand presence to stand out from the crowd.